BIOPTRON Light Therapy in the treatment of children and babies

For babies in treating cuts abrasions, bruises and nappy rash read more

For Upper airway infections and allergic conditions in children read more

For Muscuoloskeletal disorders in children - Juvenile arthritis - Bone deformities read more

For cuts - lacerations - bruising - sprains (injury to a ligament)- strains (injury to a muscle or tendon) read more


Cuts, abrasions and bruises. Nappy rash (caused by Candida albicans). Bioptron Light Therapy may help to treat these conditions by relieving pain and inflammation, by promoting the healing response.
A recent study was carried out on babies admitted to the Life Support and Intensive Care Unit with various conditions listed above. (1) the babies were given BIOPTRON Light Therapy for 10 minutes and for 3 to 4 sessions per day. The babies responded well to the treatment and there were no side effects and the best results were achieved for treatment of vein inflammation. Pain was reduced within 24 hours and skin problems improved within 2 to 3 days.

Dr O Cerna, Dept of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medince, General University Hospital Prague, Czech republic. Congress Proceedings Abstract Book, Prague 2005.

Upper airway infections and allergic condition in children
Infections of the upper airways in children are usually caused by viruses. Infections of the upper airway include:

Common cold caused by infection with the rhinovirus where symptoms develop within hours resulting in the development of a mild fever and sore throat with sneezing and excess mucous in the nose. Symptoms last for approximately 5 to 7 days and whist the common cold cannot be cured the symptoms can be treated largely by drinking plenty of fluids and resting.

Sinus infections Sinuses are the air spaces around the nose and sinus infections are commonly caused by bacteria. Symptoms include headache, facial pain and excessive mucous ion the nose. Treatment is often with antibiotic tablets.

Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils which are located at the back of the throat. Around half of all cases are caused by viral infection . Symptoms consist of sore throat and the symptoms are treated by drinking plenty of fluids along with rest. In severe, persistent cases antibiotics will be prescribed. Surgical removal of the tonsils may be required in a minority of cases.

Bioptron Light Therapy is an effective treatment for relieving the symptoms psoriasis by relieving pain and inflammation and promoting a healing response. BIOPTRON Light Therapy is completely safe and easy to use given the BIOPTRON Light Therapy device can be positioned so the light therapy can be applied to head and chest area. Treatment should be applied to each area for 4 to 10 minutes per session and either or two sessions a day for as long as required until improvement is observed.

Allergic asthma is when the body immune system over reacts to certain substances termed an allegen. Common allegens include pollen grains, dust mites, bacteria, fungal spores, pet hair. Allergies play a major role in causing asthma with more than 90% of asthmatic children and around 50% of asthmatic adults having these allergies.
Therapy involves the use of aerosols or powders in an inhaler with different types of airway dilator inhalers to widen the airways, anti inflammatory drugs and steroids to reduce airway swelling and irritation and anti allergy drugs to prevent the allergic reaction occurring again.

Allergic rhinitis is swelling and irritation of the lining of the nose and characterized by persistent sneezing, nasal discharge and a blocked nose. Most cases of rhinitis are as the result of an allergenic reaction.

Seasonal rhinitis or hay fever occurs mostly during the summer months. Symptoms include sneezing, itching of the eyes and irritation at the back of the throat.

Perennial allergic rhinitis occurs throughout the year with sufferers reacting to dust mites and animal hairs.
Treatment involves avoiding the allergens with drug therapy including antihistamines and sprays or drops containing decongestants and/or including periods to reduce swelling and irritation in the nose.

Bioptron Light Therapy is an effective treatment for relieving the symptoms of upper airway infections in children by relieving pain and inflammation and promoting a healing response. BIOPTRON Light Therapy is completely safe and easy to use given the BIOPTRON Light Therapy device can be positioned so the light therapy is applied to head and the chest area. Treatment should be applied for 4 to 6 minutes per session and for two sessions a day for 5 to 6 days. Children with allergic asthma may require 2 to 3 treatment courses per year.

BIOPTRON Light Therapy may help to treat upper airway infections in children by relieving any pain and inflammation by promoting the healing response.

Studies carried out in various hospitals and clinics found that BIOPTRON Light Therapy was effective, safe and simple to use. Because BIOPTRON Light Therapy is quiet and painless children were not afraid of the device.

Musculoskeletral disorders in children

BIOPTRON Light Therapy has been used to promote wound healing and to relieve pain and inflammation in several types of diseases affecting bone and muscles in children. These include various types of arthritis affecting children, deformities of the spine and bones of the legs and feet and injuries such as bone fractures and surgical incisions.

Juvenile arthritis is a group of conditions of unknown cause that result in joint inflammation in children under the age of 16. The conditions are classified according to the number of joints affected.

Inflammation of 4 joints or less - is the commonest type (about 50% of cases) and usually affects the larger joints such as the knees, ankles and wrists and often affects one side of the body but not the other (asymmetric) and in some cases the spine and pelvis are also affected.

More than 4 joints which are inflamed - affects approximately 20% of cases in hands and feet and larger joints such as the knees, ankles and writing. A minority of children have inflammation of the jaw, spine, hips and/or shoulders.

Joint inflammation plus fever and skin rash called systemic onsef. Spiking fevers accompanied by bright link skin rash mainly on the trunk and also some children experience muscle pain.

Non drug treatment includes physical therapy to maintain joint function and prevent deformity, gentle exercise and hydrotherapy.
Drug therapy is concerned with controlling pain and reducing joint swelling. Drugs include pain killers such as non steriodial anti-inflamatories,

Bone deformities present at birth

These conditions are called congenital deformities and they usually affect the spine, legs and feet. They include the following:

Spinal curvature - scoliosis - scoliosis refers 'sideways' curvature of the spin (i.e. from left to right or right left in an S-shape. It can occur at birth or develop during childhood. Symptoms include pain and impaired breathing and treatment is usually bracing the spine to hold the body in the correct position..

Congenital hip dislocation (CHD) In this condition the bones of the hip do not fit together as tightly as they should. The cause of this condition is unknown. CHD occurs in approximately 3 out of every 2000 children in Europe. If this condition is detected soon after birth and treated promptly the outcome is usually complete hip movement however delayed diagnosis can result in severe damage to the hip as the infant grown older and starts to weigh bear. Treatment via splinting the hips into the correct positions enables normal hip movement.

Foot disorders - Talipes equinovarus (clubfoot) In this condition the foot is fixed turning inwards and downwards and is found in 1 out of 1000 births. Treatment is a combination of gradual manipulation, application of strapping/ plaster cast and surgery and treatment may take 5 years or more to place the foot into the correct position.

Traumatic conditions

Surgical wounds

- non surgical traumatic injuries which include
- cuts
- lacerations
- bruising
- sprains (injury to a ligament)
- strains (injury to a muscle or tendon)

The main symptoms are pain and swelling and sometimes bleeding resulting in difficulty of movement particularly if the injury involves a joint Naturally such injuries are very common in children.

Studies carried out in various hospitals and clinics found that BIOPTRON Light Therapy was affective, safe and simple to use on children and because the treatment is painless and quiet children were relaxed and not afraid of the light system. The main features of the BIOPTRON Light System to support the above conditions is

Improvement in local blood supply and reducing muscle spasm - reducing the release of chemical messengers that stimulate pain receptor sites (anti-inflammatory effect and inducing the release of natural pain killing agents. Finally the direct action on nerve fibers to prevent transmission of pain impulses.


PhotoMedicine is a paradigm shift in modern medicine: in addition to drugs and surgery, doctors use light to help the body's cells heal themselves. Light Therapy UK distributes award-winning and patented PhotoMedicine technology manufactured in Switzerland called the BIOPTRON Light Therapy Systems.

A single unit emits a broad range of light wavelengths at a constant intensity for safe light therapy
Employs innovative new technology for visible results.
Is a mobile, easily manageable and maintenance-free device.
Developed and produced by BIOPTRON AG, Switzerland.
BIOPTRON’s technology is endorsed and used by leading physicians in major universities and        clinics across five continents.




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